Namsor's software offers a name separation technology. We are able to split a full name into a first name and last name structure.
Separate a full name
Identify the first name and the last name from an unsplit full name. Full name separation can be improved by adding a country of residence.
Separate a Japanese full name
Split a Japanese full name, written in Latin alphabet or in Kanji characters, into a first and last name structure with improved accuracy.
Separate a Chinese full name
Split a Chinese full name, written in Pinyin or in standard Mandarin Chinese, into a first and last name structure with improved accuracy.
Split a full nameinto a first and last name structure
Separate an unsplit full name into a first name and surname structure. Improve the accuracy when splitting the full name by adding a country of residence.
What is the first and last name structure of a full name
A full name is the set of names by which a person is known. It is often composed of two elements: a first name (given name) and a last name (surname). It can sometimes include middle names. The order of the first name and the last name differs according to the different regions of the world and the alphabets.
A first name is the part of a personal name that identifies a person and differentiates them from other members of a group. It is also called a given name. The first name may also include middles names.
A last name is the part of a personal name that usually indicates a person's family, tribe or community. It is also called surname or family name.
For example, for the unsplit name Keith Haring, the first name is Keith and Haring the last name.
Split a Japanese full nameinto a first and last name structure
Separate an unsplit Japanese full name, written in Kanji characters or in Latin alphabet, into a first name and surname structure, with higher accuracy.
Split a Chinese full nameinto a first and last name structure
Separate an unsplit Chinese full name, written in standard Mandarin Chinese or in Latin alphabet (Pinyin), into a first name and surname structure, with higher accuracy.
Use our extensive API documentation, analyze CSV and Excel files or download the Namsor developer tools.
CSV and Excel tool
Upload a document in our CSV and Excel file processer. Choose a classification type and download your comprehensive name analysis by gender, country of origin, ethnicity, diaspora and much more.
We maintain a fully documented API to help you throughout your integration process. Take control of Namsor's name checking features efficiently, thanks to our numerous integration examples for JavaScript, Python, Java and Shell.
Discover all the possibilities offered by Namsor's services: download our developer tools and integrate our name checking technology into your app. Choose the SDK or CLI you need for your projects in Java, Python, GoLang or Javascript.