Namsor's name checking tool can help you determine if a name is more likely to be male or female. We offer many possibilities of treatments for gender name determination. Our technology supports a large number of alphabets*.
Genderize a first or split name
Determines the gender from a first name or a combination of a first name and a last name. Accuracy can be improved by adding a country of residence.
Genderize an unsplit full name
Determines the gender from a full name. Useful if unable to identify the structure of a name (first name/last name). Accuracy can be improved by adding a country of residence.
Genderize a Japanese name
Determines with greater precision the gender of a Japanese given name or a Japanese full name written in Latin alphabet or in Japanese characters (Kanji).
Genderize a Chinese name
Determines with greater precision the gender of a Chinese given name or a Chinese full name written in Latin alphabet (Pinyin) or in standard Mandarin Chinese.
From a first name and (last name)estimate the most likely gender
Analyzes a first name and an optional surname to identify the most likely gender. Indicate a country of residence to improve the accuracy of the determined gender.
Determine: the most likely gender with a calibrated probability for the returned gender.
What is the gender of a name
Gender is a social construct that defines a set of characteristics considered to be linked to femininity and masculinity. Depending on some contexts, this may include identity, social, cultural, historical, political, and symbolic dimensions of gendered identities. Most cultures use a gender binary, in which gender is divided into two categories: boys/men/male and girls/women/female.
When it comes to assessing gender based on a full name or given name, it is important to point out that this does not guarantee absolute certainty, as some given names are commonly used by both genders, although in different proportions. Therefore, we provide an estimate of the probability of correctness of the identified gender. By adding a family name and/or a country of residence, the precision improves considerably, because it allows to better contextualize the use of the first name in its environment. When the probability of the identified gender is between 45% and 55%, this indicates that the name can be interpreted as not being specific to a particular gender.
For example, the name Keith Haring is identified as a male name with a probability of 90.63%.
From a full nameestimate the most likely gender
Analyzes a unsplit full name (first name and surname) to identify the most likely gender. Indicate a country of residence to improve the accuracy of the determined gender. If the first name and surname are clearly identifiable, the Genderize Name feature will be slightly more accurate.
Determine: the most likely gender with a calibrated probability for the returned gender.
From a Japanese nameestimate the most likely gender
Analyzes a Japanese given name and optional surname, or an unsplit Japanese full name, in Kanji characters or Latin alphabet, to identify the most likely gender with higher accuracy. If the given name and surname are clearly identifiable, the GIVEN NAME & SURNAME variant will be slightly more accurate.
Determine: the most likely gender with a calibrated probability for the returned gender.
What is the gender of a Japanese name in Kanji or romanized
The gender of a Japanese name written in kanji or in Latin is an estimate based on a binary gender classification: masculine or feminine. In addition to being identified as predominantly masculine or feminine, a given name may qualify as unisex or gender-neutral if the probability of the estimated gender is close to 50%.
Kanji are the adopted logographic Japanese characters that are used in the Japanese writing system. Kanji is one of the three writing systems that are more commonly know as Japanese characters.
Romanization is the transcription or conversion of a different writing system using the Latin alphabet.
For example, the combination of the Japanese given name 中松 and the Japanese last name 義郎 written in Kanji, is identified as a male name with a probability of 55.01%.
From a Chinese nameestimate the most likely gender
Analyzes a Chinese given name and optional surname, or an unsplit Chinese full name, in standard Mandarin Chinese or in Latin alphabet (Pinyin), to identify the most likely gender with higher accuracy. If the given name and surname are clearly identifiable, the GIVEN NAME & SURNAME variant will be slightly more accurate.
The Genderize Chinese Full Name feature will only work with Chinese full names written in standard Mandarin Chinese.
Determine: the most likely gender with a calibrated probability for the returned gender.
What is the gender of a Chinese name in standard Mandarin or Pinyin
The gender of a Chinese name written in standard Mandarin or in Pinyin is a binary classification of gender: masculine or feminine. If the probability of the returned gender is between 45% and 55%, the name can be interpreted as being a gender neutral (unisex) name.
Standard Mandarin Chinese is the official language of China. It uses a logographic system called Hanzi that is more commonly know as Chinese characters.
Pinyin is the official romanization system for Standard Mandarin Chinese. It is used to depict Mandarin logograms with the Latin alphabet, used by languages such as English.
For example, the Chinese full name written in standard Mandarin Chinese 谢晓亮 is identified as a male name with a probability of 53.29%. This full name can be considered a unisex name because it is worn by almost as many men as women.
Find the right tool to process names
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CSV and Excel tool
Upload a document in our CSV and Excel file processer. Choose a classification type and download your comprehensive name analysis by gender, country of origin, ethnicity, diaspora and much more.
We maintain a fully documented API to help you throughout your integration process. Take control of Namsor's name checking features efficiently, thanks to our numerous integration examples for JavaScript, Python, Java and Shell.
Discover all the possibilities offered by Namsor's services: download our developer tools and integrate our name checking technology into your app. Choose the SDK or CLI you need for your projects in Java, Python, GoLang or Javascript.