
Analyse and convert Japanese names

Namsor provides a name translator and a specialized name processing technology dedicated to analyzing names in the Japanese language.

Convert a Japanese name to Latin
Transcribe a Japanese given name, surname or full name, written in Kanji characters, into the most likely transcription in Latin (romanization).
Convert a Japanese name to Kanji
Transcribe a Japanese given name, surname or full name, written in Latin alphabet (romanized), in kanji most likely transcriptions.
Rate a Japanese name transcription
Asses and grade the quality of a transcription bewteen a Japanese name in Latin alphabet and a Japanese name in Kanji characters.
Genderize a Japanese name
Determines the gender of a Japanese given name or a Japanese full name written in Latin alphabet or Kanji characters.
Separate a Japanese full name
Split a Japanese full name, written in Latin alphabet or in Kanji characters, into a given and surname structure.

Convert to Latin a Japanese given name, surname or full name

Transcribe a Japanese given name, a Japanese surname, or both for more precision, written in Kanji characters, in 'English' (with Latin alphabet).

Translate to Latin: Japanese name in kanji

Conversion of a Japanese name written in Kanji into Latin alphabet:

Japanese given name (or first name) in Kanji.

Japanese surname (or family name) in Kanji.


What is the romanization of a Japanese name written in Kanji

The translation or conversion of a Japanese name written in kanji into the Latin alphabet is called romanization. Several transcriptions of the same name are possible. This is why we return a list of transcribed names, accompanied by a calibrated probability. Transcriptions are ranked from most likely to least likely.

  • Romanization is the translation or conversion, to the Latin alphabet, of any other writing system.
  • The Kanji is one of the Japanese writing systems based on Chinese characters. Kanji were introduced to Japan from China in the 5th century. Each kanji represents a concept or word, and some kanji can be combined to form more complex words. Kanji are used in conjunction with two other Japanese writing systems called hiragana and katakana.

    For example, the romanizations of the full name written in Kanji 中松 義郎 are, for the most likely transcription, Yoshiro Nakamatsu, and Yoshiro Nakamatu for the second most likely transcription.

Convert to Kanji a Japanese given name, surname or full name

Transcribe a Japanese given name and/or surname, written in Latin alphabets into Kanji characters. Indicate the most likely gender to improve the accuracy of the transcription.


The name transcription will work with greater accuracy for names identified as Japanese.

Translate to Kanji: Japanese name in Latin

Conversion of a Japanese romanized name into Kanji characters:

Japanese given name (or first name) in Latin.

Japanese surname (or family name) in Latin.

  • Tag: Translate Japanese Name To Kanji.
  • Precision:Precision gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • API: Translate Japanese Name To Kanji documentation.
  • Determine: a list of the most likely converted name in Kanji, and a probability for each returned converted name.

What is the translation of a Japanese name into Kanji characters

It's the conversion of a Japanese romanized name into Kanji characters. Translating a romanized name into kanji characters will work with greater accuracy for names identified as Japanese.

Several conversions for the same name are possible. That's why we return a list of converted names, along with a calibrated probability. The transcribed names are sorted from most likely to least likely.

For example, the full romanized name Yoshiro Nakamatsu has 中松 芳郎 as the most likely translation, and 中松 義郎 as the second most likely translation.

Rate a Japanese name transcription based on a Japanese name in Latin and in Kanji

Rate a transcription from a Japanese given name and/or a Japanese surname in Latin characters to a Japanese full name in Kanji.

Match transcription: Japanese name in Latin & kanji

Rate a transcription from a given name and surname in Latin characters to a full name in Kanji:

Japanese given name (or first name) in Latin alphabet.

Japanese surname (or family name) in Latin alphabet.

Japanese full name (family name and given name) in Kanji.

  • Tag: Match Japanese Name.
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • API: Match Japanese Name documentation.
  • Determine: the success status of the match: 'Match' or 'Mismatch', and scored the names transcription.

Identify the gender based on a Japanese given name and surname or full name

Analyzes a Japanese given name and optional surname, or an unsplit Japanese full name, in Kanji characters or Latin alphabet, to identify the most likely gender with higher accuracy. If the given name (first name) and surname (last name) are clearly identifiable, the GIVEN NAME & SURNAME variant will be slightly more accurate.

Gender: Japanese given name & surname

Gender from a Japanese given name an optional surname for more precision:

Japanese given name (first name) in Latin or Kanji characters.

Japanese surname (family name) in Latin or Kanji characters.

  • Tag: Genderize Japanese Name.
  • Precision:Precision gauge
  • Cost: 1 credit per name.
  • API: Genderize Japanese Name documentation.
  • Determine: the most likely gender with a calibrated probability for the returned gender.

What is the gender of a Japanese name

Gender is a social construct that gives shape to a set of characteristics perceived to be associated with femininity and masculinity. It encompasses a multitude of dimensions, including identity, cultural, political, social, historical and symbolic aspects of gendered identities. In many cultures, gender is often understood in a binary way, dividing people into two distinct categories: men/boys and women/girls.

The gender assessment based on a full name or given name is not an absolute result, because the same given name is generally carried by both genders, but with different proportions. For this reason, we present an estimate of the probability of accuracy of the identified gender. By including a surname, the accuracy is greatly improved, as it allows better contextualization of the use of the given name in its environment. When the probability of the identified gender is between 45% and 55%, the name can be interpreted as not specific to a particular gender.

For example, the Japanese full name written in Kanji 中松 義郎 is identified as a male name with a probability of 55.01% (can be interpreted as unisex).

Separate a given name and surname based on an unsplit Japanese full name

Separate an unsplit Japanese full name, written in Kanji characters or in Latin alphabet, into a given name and surname structure.

Split name: Japanese full name

Given name and surname from an unsplit Japanese name, written in Kanji or Latin:

Japanese full name (given name and surname) in Kanji or Latin alphabet.


What is the structure of a Japanese full name

A full name encompasses all names by which a person is identified. It usually consists of two distinct parts: the given name and the surname. It may also include middle names, nicknames or usernames. The order of the given name and the surname varies according to the different regions of the world and the writing systems used.

The structure of a full Japanese name generally follows the order of family name ("seimei"), or clan name followed by given name ("namae"). It can also consist of another character called "yobina" or "azana" (nickname). In some international or more informal contexts, the given name may be written before the surname to facilitate understanding.

It should be mentioned that some people in Japan may have more complex full names, including multiple given names or honorifics.

  • The surname (family name) or seimei is the component of a personal name that is often used to identify the family, lineage or community to which a person belongs. The family name is placed given in a Japanese name. It is usually monosyllabic, although some surnames may have two or more syllables. For example, "Suzuki", "Tanaka", and "Yamamoto" are common Japanese surnames.
  • The given name or namae is the component of a personal name that serves to individualize a person and distinguish him from other members of a group. The given name is placed after the surname. It can consist of one or more characters and can be carefully chosen to express special wishes or meanings. For example, "Hiroshi", "Yumi", and "Sakura" are common Japanese given names.
  • The nickname or yobina or azana can be used, in some cases, in addition to the surname (surname) and given name (given name). This nickname can be given by family, friends or colleagues and is often used informally. It may be shorter or more familiar than the full given name. For example, if the full name is "Suzuki Taro", the nickname can be "Tarochan" or "Tarokun".

    For example, for the unsplit Japanese name in Kanji 中松 義郎, the given name is 義郎 and 中松 the surname.


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