Our name recognition AI can translate Chinese names to English (Pinyin), infer the gender of a Chinese name or split a Chinese full name into a given name (first name) and a surname (last name).
Convert a Chinese name to Latin
Transcribe a given name (first name), surname (last name) or full Chinese name, written in standard Mandarin Chinese, in pinyin (Latin alphabet) most likely transcriptions.
Convert a Chinese name to Mandarin
Transcribe a Chinese given name (first name), surname (last name) or full name, written in Pinyin (Latin alphabet), into the most likely transcription in standard Mandarin Chinese.
Rate a Chinese name transcription
Asses and grade the quality of transcriptions between a Chinese name in Pinyin (Latin alphabet) and a Chinese name in standard Mandarin Chinese.
Genderize a Chinese name
Determines with great precision the gender of a Chinese given name (first name) or a Chinese full name written in Pinyin (Latin alphabet) or standard Mandarin Chinese.
Separate a Chinese full name
Split a Chinese full name, written in Pinyin (Latin alphabet) or in standard Mandarin Chinese, into a given name and surname structure.
Convert to Latina Chinese full name (given name and surname)
Transcribe a Chinese full name (given name and surname), written in standard Mandarin Chinese, in Pinyin (English with Latin alphabet).
The name transcription in Pinyin will only work with a Chinese full name (given name and surname).
Determine: a list of the most likely converted name in Pinyin, and a probability for each returned converted name.
What is the translation of a Chinese name in Pinyin
When a Chinese name written in Mandarin is translated into Pinyin, it is converted into its 'English' equivalent using the Latin alphabet.
Pinyin, known as the Romanization of Mandarin, is a system that uses the Latin alphabet to transcribe the pronunciation of Chinese characters, enabling the reading of Chinese characters through the combination of Latin letters.
Standard Mandarin Chinese is the official language of China and a major language in Singapore and Taiwan. It is also one of the six official languages of the the United Nations. It uses a logographic system called Hanzi that is more commonly know as Chinese characters.
For example, the translation of the full name written in Mandarin 赵丽颖 returned Liying as a translated given name and Zhao as a translated surname.
Convert to Mandarina Chinese given name, surname or full name
Transcribe a Chinese given name and/or surname, written in Latin alphabets (Pinyin) into Standard Mandarin Chinese. Indicate the most likely gender to improve the accuracy of the transcription.
Mandarin name transcription will only work with given names and surnames identified as Chinese.
Determine: a list of the most likely converted name in standard Mandarin Chinese, and a probability for each returned converted name.
What is the translation of a Chinese name into Mandarin
Conversion of a Chinese romanized name into Standard mandarin Chinese. Translating a romanized name into Standard Mandarin will only work with first and last names identified as Chinese.
Several conversions for the same name are possible. This is why we return a list of converted names, accompanied by a calibrated probability and sorted from most likely to least likely.
For example, the Chinese last name in Pinyin Zhao returned, for the most likely translation, 赵, with a 98.69% probability, and 招 for the second most likely translation with a 0.49% probability.
Rate a Chinese name transcriptionbased on a Chinese name in Latin (Pinyin) and in standard mandarin Chinese
Rate a transcription from a Chinese given name and/or a Chinese surname in Pinyin (Latin characters) to a Chinese surname in standard Mandarin Chinese.
Match transcription: Chinese name in Latin & Mandarin
Determine: the success status of the match: 'Match' or 'Mismatch', and scored the names transcription.
Identify the genderbased on a Chinese given name, surname or full name
Analyzes a Chinese given name and optional surname, or an unsplit Chinese full name, in standard Mandarin Chinese or in Latin alphabet (Pinyin), to identify the most likely gender. If the given name and surname are clearly identifiable, the GIVEN NAME & SURNAME variant will be slightly more accurate.
The Genderize Chinese Full Name feature will only work with Chinese full names written in standard Mandarin Chinese.
Determine: the most likely gender with a calibrated probability for the returned gender.
What is the gender of a Chinese name
Gender is a social construct that defines a set of characteristics considered to be linked to femininity and masculinity. Depending on some contexts, this may include identity, social, cultural, historical, political, and symbolic dimensions of gendered identities. Most cultures use a gender binary, in which gender is divided into two categories: boys/men/male and girls/women/female.
The gender estimated from a full name or a given name is not absolute, the same given name is generally carried by the two genders in different proportions. This is why we indicate the probability that the identified gender is correct. Adding a surname greatly increases accuracy because it better contextualizes the environment in which the given name occurs. If the probability of the returned gender is between 45% and 55%, the name can be interpreted as gender-neutral.
For example, the Chinese full name written in standard Mandarin Chinese 谢晓亮 is identified as a male name with a probability of 53.29% and can therefore be considered a unisex.
Separate a given name and surnamebased on an unsplit Chinese full name
Separate an unsplit Chinese full name, written in standard Mandarin Chinese or in Latin alphabet (Pinyin), into a given name and surname structure.
What is the given name and surname structure of a Chinese full name
A full name is the set of names by which a person is known. It is often made up of two elements: a given name (first name) and a surname (last name). It can sometimes include middle names, a nickname or a style name. The order of the given name and surname differs according to the different regions of the world and the alphabets.
The structure of a full Chinese name can vary depending on region and individual preference, but generally a full Chinese name consists of two main parts: the surname followed by the given name.
Some people may choose to place their given name before their surname in the Western style. However, most Chinese still use the traditional structure with the surname first.
A surname or last name or family name is the part of a personal name that usually indicates a person's family, tribe, or community. In Chinese, the surname is usually placed in first and is often monosyllabic. For example, "Zhang", "Li", "Wang" are common surnames in China.
A given name or first name is the part of a personal name that identifies a person and differentiates them from other members of a group. The given name may also include middles names. In China, the given name is often chosen with care and may have a special meaning. The given name can consist of one or more characters and is placed after the surname.
For example, for the unsplit Chinese name in standard Mandarin Chinese 谢晓亮, the given name is 晓亮 and 谢 the surname.
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